Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Embarrassing!

We visited the church I grew up in at the end of June.  Pastor Scott began his sermon by talking about sometimes we need to be reminded that we are sinners.  That struck a chord with me.  If you have been walking with God for a while and allowing His word to transform your life, you might start to forget who you used to be.  We would not want to forget how much we have been forgiven, because those who have been forgiven much love much, right?  Every once and a while an old memory pops into my head of foolish things I've done in the past.  Yikes!  How could I be so foolish!  Now, if God is bringing those things to my mind, He's probably doing it to heal me of some hurt or remind me of something I need reconcile with Him and/or others.  Sometimes I know that all business has been taken care of with a memory, but it still pops up.  Then I feel embarrassed and self-conscious.  I might not feel as free to take a risk or a leap of faith.  And if that happens, it's probably not from God, it's probably from the enemy, the accuser of the brethren.  So, what should I do when those memories spring into my conscious?  Well, as Kevin on our worship team reminded us at church on Sunday, we want to give glory to God; to use all things in our lives to magnify Him.  2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to 'take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.'  When those embarrassing memories come to mind, I've been taking them captive to Christ by silently thanking Him for saving me, forgiving me, throwing my sins into the sea of forgetfulness, loving me while I was still His enemy.  And it's helped me to move on instead of feeling self-conscious.  What do you do when those silly old memories enter your head?